Calvano delivers within South Africa using Courier Guy delivery services. Goods will be delivered on business days only. We do not offer deliveries on weekends or public holidays. Shipping cost is calculated at checkout.
Please provide a delivery address where someone will be available to receive your order and sign for it.
If you wish to return any item(s) you have purchased, you can either return the item(s) via courier or in person to our store in 2 Lees Street Wynberg Johannesburg (only) within 30 days from the date of purchase.
Kindly contact our customer service +27 72 280 7123 to start the return process. All returned parcels remain the responsibility of the purchaser until received by Calvano.
- You return the item within 14 days (inclusive) from the date of purchase.
- The item is in original saleable condition
- With all original tags and any sewn labels still attached
- In an unworn, unopened and unused state
- In original packaging